WHEN I was a small child, I lived in a terraced house with a green field at the back, where horses grazed.

Then the council decided to build on that green field. My parents and their neighbours were hard-working simple folk unversed in the ways of protest and litigation. The council's decision was taken as a fait accompli.

Britain, unlike Russia or USA is a small, densely populated country, a congested land. It is difficult to fit in all modern requirements in a manner, which suits everybody - impossible, in fact.

Of course, we could return to the pristine days of two on three hundred years ago. However, in those days, among other things, one probably took one's drinking water from some waterway, which the next township upstream used as a public toilet.

Not very nice and not very hygienic either. There are still lots of places in the world like that. However, I am sure such arrangements would not appeal to the good people of Hallow.

I can understand Hallow people who do not possess mobile phones being upset that the Orange concern should plan to erect a mast in their vicinity.

However, those members of WORM who do utilise this new facility themselves "want their cake and eat it". They are classic Nimbys.

Loss of property values? Pieces of bad luck that. However, although only a minority gambles on the stock exchange and horse racing, life is inevitably a lottery for all of us to some extent.

