PARKING permits will be issued to residents living near Worcester's new cinema as soon as the complex opens.

Worcester City Council's transportation sub-committee members decided last night to press ahead with the scheme even though a question mark remains over how it will be policed.

The council's chief engineer, John Day, reminded the meeting that the police did not want to be shouldered with the responsibility of enforcing the scheme.

He said Edgar Street was considered "a special case" because the nearby Warner Village Cinema was due to open in November.

Negotiations with the force were continuing and a working party could be created to consider on-street enforcement, Mr Day added.

"Will parking permits be valid during the day?" asked Councillor Francis Lankester, who called for action to help people living in Edgar Street, the College Precincts and Severn Street.

Mr Day said they would not and visitors would have to park for a maximum of 45 minutes, or opt for public car parks.

Members voted to approve the issue of permits to residents in Edgar Street, Severn Street and College Precincts as an interim measure, effective from the opening date of the Friar Street cinema.

Permits, costing £10 per car, would be valid between 6pm and 8am every day and all day Sunday.

However, several Edgar Street residents who attended the sub-committee meeting were unimpressed.

"We are not happy about this," said Eleanor Allen, speaking on behalf of the group as the decision was taken.

"At the last meeting we were given the impression we would have parking in the car park during the day as well.

"Is the cinema not screening films during the day? And what about Saturdays?"

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Day said he had no idea why the residents had believed they would be granted daytime concessions.

He insisted the existing conditions would stay unchanged for all motorists during the day and on Saturdays.