IT has been reported that Worcestershire County Council has borrowings of £135.7 million and cash reserves of £3.7 million. Coun Carol Warren, the leader of the Labour group is proposing to use £1.1 million of the reserves to meet expenditure of the elderly in Social Services; this is the result of £2.1 million overspend in Child Care Services.

The high level of borrowing must require substantial repayments as well as interest, and in these circumstances it is not surprising that the council's precept has risen by 45% in the last five years; this is four times the rate of inflation. It is difficult to see how the spiralling precept can be halted and one wonders whether the council is in serious financial difficulties.

With elections due next May the electorate is entitled to ask searching questions as to the competence of the present administration.

STANLEY SAUNDERS, Averill Close, Broadway.