MEMBERS of Evesham Arts Association are busy putting the finishing touches to yet another packed and varied autumn season at the arts centre.

The programme got under way this month and attractions to enjoy between now and the end of the year range from classical, popular and barbershop music to drama, lectures, floral art and wine tasting.

Lauri Griffith-Jones, chairman of the association which runs the Victoria Road venue, says: "We've always felt that one of the strengths and attractions of our lovely centre has been the astounding range of events it copes with."

In fact, there will be up to three public performances a week between now and Christmas. "Not bad for a small country venue run entirely by amateurs!" enthuses a delighted Mr Griffith-Jones.

Everyone involved in staging performances is a volunteer, including the lighting, sound and stage technicians, and they all do a fine job, Mr Griffith-Jones emphasises.

"Apart from providing local amateur organisations with a chance to try something a bit more ambitious than usual, the arts centre's excellent facilities also help the association to attract professional acts to Evesham," he adds.

"We have regular professional acts and when they come for the first time they're astounded at the technical facilities and the design of the theatre." On average about 20,000 people attend the centre's productions each year, which shows the arts association must be getting something right.

Evesham Town Council and Wychavon District Council appear to see it that way as well and both authorities have given the centre grants for the first time in a number of years.

"We hope that this will restore what used to be a regular thing as it does help us a lot," says Mr Griffith-Jones.

"The professional shows we want to bring here are expensive and if we can get some kind of help from local authorities we're very grateful."

He said the town council first stumped up £200 and Wychavon followed with £1,000.

This month has already seen an Evesham Decorative and Fine Arts Society (EDFAS) lecture and Tuesday saw the opening of Evesham Operatic and Dramatic Society's autumn spectacular Fantasia of Time and Space which runs until Saturday.

The month ends with Evesham Music Club's presentation of the Sinfonia of Birmingham on September 28, conducted by the leader of the CBSO Peter Thomas in a programme which includes Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No 5.

October's highlights include another EDFAS lecture about the Sistine Chapel ceiling on October 11, Belles and Brass: Vale Connection from Pershore Ladies Barbershop Chorus on October 14 and the Jack Daniels Big Band plays on October 20 as a Tracy Sollis Appeal fund-raiser.

The Jacqueline School of Dance pirouettes its way The Sleeping Beauty from October 24 until October 29 and Evesham Music Club is back on October 31 with the Dante String Quartet, a combination of musicians who all have their own distinguished careers as soloists, chamber musicians and orchestral principals.

It may be November but flowers will still be in bloom when Evesham Floral Art Society holds a programme of demonstrations on the 2nd.

There's even more from EDFAS this month with a further lecture discussing Victorian arts patronage on the 8th while Avonbank Brass Band adds extra sparkle to Bonfire Night.

A staging of Look Back in Anger by the centre's own theatre company, runs from November 29 until December 2 and Evesham Music Club is highly delighted to present Nettle and Markham on December 6 with a programme ranging from Beethoven to Bernstein.

Known as Britain's foremost piano duo, they have performed around the world and have released a string of highly-praised recordings.

The season draws to a close with more music, including festive appearances by the Arts Centre Choir in a Christmas concert on December 9 and Bretforton Silver Band on December 10.

Throughout the season there will be a number of exhibitions in the foyer and Prince Henry's High School has several open evenings and performances pencilled in between now and December.

Tickets for most of these shows can be booked between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Saturday from the town box office, in the Evesham Book Centre, Library Arcade, which is off the High Street, or by calling 01386 45567.