CRAFT AND PRODUCE SHOW: The Condicote Craft & Produce Show was a great success on Saturday. Despite the fuel shortages, the show still received over 180 entries. A Dundee cake came all the way from Sussex by post, because the competitor could not get the necessary fuel to travel to Condicote. (The cake won the class!)

The Show Champion this year was local farmer Ted Wynn, who was presented with a bottle of champagne. The event was well attended, with over 100 people coming through the doors of the village hall. Refreshments were provided by Ashwell Playgroup to raise funds for their group. Following the exhibition, a number of the winning entries were auctioned which helped boost the day's income to £160. The event is not really intended as a money-raiser, but all money raised goes towards the New Village Hall fund.

Winners of each class:

Sandwich Cake: Caroline Clare; Dundee Cake: Margaret Maw; Light Fruit Cake: Christine Wynn; Round of Shortbread: Miss E. Langton; Fruit Scones: Miss E. Langton; Biscuits: Pam Schwerdt; Bread: Ivy Dronsfield; Flower Arrangement (Table): Pam Schwerdt; Flower Arrangement (Harvest Festival): Sibylle Kreutzberger; Wine: Alistair Wynn; Jam: Miss E. Langton; Marmalade: Ian Wreay; Knitted Garment: Kay Joynes; Hand-Sewn Article: Sue Pearce; Decorative Needlework: Sheila Davis; Original Art & Craft: Stuart Joynes; Onions: Ray Akers; Runner Beans: Ted Wynn; Potatoes: Ann Grey; Tomatoes: Roy Mercer; Beetroot: Dave Clare; Parsnips: Roy Mercer; Carrots: Ted Wynn; Others:Sheila Davis; Gladiolis: Ted Wynn; Cottage Flowers: Jenny Alcock; A face decorated on a paper plate: Alice Wynn; Edible necklace: Georgie Alcock; Miniature Garden: Beth Wynn; Decorated Vegetable (under 9 yrs): Beth Wynn; Fairy Cakes: Katie Fifield; Decorated Vegetable (9-16 yrs): Gemma Fifield; Biscuits (9-16 yrs): Gemma Fifield.

Condicote Sunflower Competition

After several months of competitive growing, the results of the Tallest Sunflower competition were announced last week by the organisers, Pam Schwerdt and Sibylle Kreutzberger. The winners were the Edwards family, whose sunflower was over 12 feet tall - more than 18 inches more than the next best. Jim Kelly came second, with Tom Clare third. Tom's entry was also the tallest children's entry, with Hannah Coleman second.

HARVEST FESTIVAL: The Harvest Festival will take place in St Nicholas Church at 3pm on Sunday with the service conducted by Diocesan Archdeacon the Ven. Hedley Ringrose, followed by a Harvest Supper in the village hall at 6.30pm.