AS a pharmacy student working for DG Pharmacy I was appalled to read Councillor Paul Denham's comments regarding DG Pharmacy winning Community Pharmacy of the Year 2000.

The sole basis of Councillor Denham's argument seems to be that Colin Layland, an employee of DG Pharmacy, nominated the pharmacy for the award. It this is the case then Councillor Denham is seriously misinformed.

Mr Layland is now an employee of DG Pharmacy but at the time of the nominations he was not. He was in fact writing in the capacity of Chairman of the Green Centre, the community centre in Dines Green.

Councillor Denham also seems to forget that Mr Layland's nomination was not the only one submitted. The community hold Dr. Hooman Ghalamkari and DG Pharmacy in every high regard and several other customers also nominated the Pharmacy.

I find it very sad that Councillor Denham wants to mar the excellent work of Dr Ghalamkari.

The people of Dines Green waited more than 40 years for a pharmacy on the estate and in the three years that Dr Ghalamkari has been there, he has built up a thriving business and developed some innovative services for the community.

These include a smoking cessation project, the Dines Green Healthy Living Centre, a prescription collection and delivery service and a medicines management service. Community Pharmacy of the Year 2000 is not the only award Dr Ghalamkari and DG Pharmacy have won. They are the recent winners of Pharmacy Services 2000.

Dr Ghalamkari works extremely hard providing such an exceptional service to the public and I am very disappointed with Councillor Denham's comments. On a personal note, Dr Ghalamkari has been very supportive and a mentor in my career and I would like to wish him and the rest of the staff of DG Pharmacy congratulations on winning Community Pharmacy of the Year 2000 and Pharmacy Services 2000.


Threshfield Drive, Home Meadow,
