THE men's trophy in the annual Kemp House Golf Tournament was won by hosts Kidderminster Golf Club on Sunday.

Kidderminster tied with Little Lakes and Cleobury Mortimer, each finishing with 116 points, but were declared the winners by taking into account the best non-counting score.

Habberley were fourth with 110, and Wyre Forest fifth with 106.

The best individual score of the day was 45 points by Rob Amphett and K Phillips, of Little Lakes.

In the ladies trophy there was a tie between Kidderminster and Little Lakes, each with 99 points.

The non-counting cards were also equal, so Kidderminster and Little Lakes were declared joint winners and will hold the trophy for six months each.

Habberley were third with 92 while Cleobury Mortimer and Wyre Forest tied for fourth place with 88.