I WRITE in the strongest possible terms to object to the proposed demolition of Market Street car park and the general culling of parking spaces in Kidderminster.

I am an employee of Brintons Carpets, based at Exchange Street and, as I commute from Wolverhampton by car, have no other option but to utilise a town centre car park.

In these days of unreliable public transport, no tenable transport exists for a Wolverhampton-Kidderminster journey, other than by car.

In the current days of huge out-of-town shopping centres with plentiful free parking, does Wyre Forest District Council seriously entertain the idea that shoppers will be attracted to Kidderminster when they have to pay for the privilege of battling for an elusive parking space?

The utter disregard that this council shows for motorists - shoppers and workers alike - is beyond contempt and will surely contribute to the continued demise of Kidderm-inster.


Widgeon Grove

