CHRISTMAS will bring new hope for a teenage boy who is desperate to throw off the wheelchair he has been dependent on for nearly four years.

The mother of 16-year-old Danny McGrath of Kidderminster said this week she was "determined" to raise the money needed for him to have treatment recommended by a Harley Street specialist.

Carol McGrath, of Drake Crescent, Habberley has organised a "Christmas Extravaganza" ball in aid of Danny in Wolverley on Saturday to mark the start of a £10,000 fund-raising campaign.

The money is to pay for surgery and intensive physiotherapy for Danny who lost the use of a leg after an accident when he was 12.

Mrs McGrath has given up on obtaining NHS treatment because of the long wait she has been told he would endure.

She is hoping to raise enough to pay for private treatment because she says time is running out for her son who needs help urgently to start a normal working life.

The 1960s style ball at the Kingsford pub and club, Wolverley, will include a Britney Spears lookalike entertainer.

Tickets are available from the club on 01562 850428.