REDDITCH planning chiefs have given their approval to a scheme which council leader Albert Wharrad believes will be the "making of the town".

At a planning committee meeting on Tuesday night, councillors approved plans by Kingfisher Centre owners Thornfield to demolish existing buildings in Silver Street and Royal Square.

This will make way for a Debenhams store, an indoor market, new shops and a food and drink complex.

A petition from 13 worried residents in Evesham Mews was received by the council but it was about the noise, dust and debris which will be created during the building work. There was no objection to the final development.

Councillor David Cartwright said: "I add my support to these plans. We have been waiting for some years for improvements or sizeable investment in the Kingfisher Centre.

"For the past 10 years it has moved further and further behind similar centres and it has been used by fewer and fewer people.

"I am looking forward to the work being completed.''

Now the council has approved the scheme, it is necessary to refer it to the Secretary of State who will be advised of the numerous conditions imposed on the the proposals, for final approval.