FAIR exchange is the theme for a group of people who are doing their Christmas shopping for nothing. Gail Tutcher with some of the gifts.

Members of Wyre Forest LETS - Local Exchange Trading System - have been swapping gifts, including house plants, arts, crafts and cakes in time for the festive season.

Gail Tutcher, spokeswoman for the group, said: "This is a busy time of the year for us.

"The scheme helps people in the community to exchange skills, goods and services. Unlike a barter system, it allows members to build up credit with one member and spend it with another."

The scheme was first pioneered in British Columbia and there are now about 350 like it in operation in Britain.

Suggestions for trading include dog-walking, gardening, decorating, child care and catering.

If anyone is interested in joining the group, Gail can be contacted on 01562 822034.