COBALT UNIT APPEAL FUND: We should be very proud of a small group of dedicated people which, since 1992, has raised thousands of pounds for the Cobalt Unit Appeal Fund. Formed by Mrs Marion Sutton this group has cut trimmed and recycled greetings cards and has sold them at coffee mornings, markets at clubs and societies in the village and around the area.

Regular deliveries of cards go up to Birmingham where they are sold at a church.

Recently, a celebration evening was held when Jean Ramsbottom, the retiring fund-raising co-ordinator was due to received a cheque for £1,300, which would bring the group's total contribution to £20,000.

However, by the evening, an extra £1,000 had been raised.

The organisers would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this super result.

BREDON CHURCH FLOWER GUILD: If you appreciate the artistic work done by the Flower Guild in St Giles Church, then you may like to support its annual coffee morning on January 18 in the Old Mansion, Bredon, at 10.30am.

There will be a bring and buy stall and a raffle, and the entrance fee is 50p.