AN appeal to save the organ at Malvern Priory has got off to a magnificent start, say fundraisers.

Up to £400,000 may be needed to bring the ageing instrument back into full working order.

And Malvern's own organ firm, Nicholson and Co, has agreed to do the work.

Brigadier Mike Selby, chairman of the fundraising committee, said: "Since the appeal was launched in late September, our team of visitors have been to talk to nearly 100 members of the congregation who agreed to support the project last year as a result of a letter from the Churchwardens.

"Their response has been magnificent. In addition to the £70,000 from the Priory Fabric and Renovation Fund, we now have pledges of a further £95,000 over the next five years.

"In addition, we have also received support from members of the congregation who have organised fundraising events, for example, an extremely successful coffee morning last week raised nearly £150. In January, we will embark on the next phase which extends the appeal to the remaining members of the congregation.

"During next year we will also be holding a number of events at the Priory, including concerts and organ recitals, as well as extending the scope of the appeal to an even wider audience.

"Although we are already in an encouraging position with regard to our target of £400,000, there is still a great deal to do."

Donations to the appeal, should be sent to The Malvern Priory Parish Office, Church Street, Malvern, WR14 2AY.