HOW wonderfully ironic it is that Mr Tim Pinney's diatribe against Mike Foster should appear in the Evening News just a day after he suggested to another correspondent that she needs to check her facts very carefully before spouting off.

As everyone except Mr Pinney will have realised, it would have been difficult for our MP to have been voting to ban hunting two days before the debate in the Commons actually took place. Perhaps we should all be carefully checking "the facts" that Mr Pinney purports to be giving us to support his pro-hunting stance.

There may not be many vocal vegans opposed to hunting but there are a large number of people (including ex-hunt supporters) who wonder why Mr Pinney seems to think there is no other way of controlling foxes other than chasing them for miles across country then ripping them to shreds.

I suspect that this group now includes train travellers in South Wales last weekend whose services were disrupted by hounds and riders gaily trespassing yet again on to the railway in pursuit of their quarry, endangering both their own lives and those of railway users.

