WHAT a nerve. How dare Jane Glazebrook (Shuttle, March 29) suggest Cookley playing fields as a safe area for dog exercising?

What makes her think we want dogs from here, there and everywhere messing up our fields?

A few weeks ago I had reason to telephone my daughter who is secretary of Cookley Boys Football Club, to tell her that before they could play their Saturday morning game they would need to clean up dog excrement off the pitch. This was despite the fact that notices are displayed and bins provided for dog mess.

Imagine what it would be like if everyone brought their dogs to the playing fields. We would be ankle-deep in it.

Does she also realise that within a few hundred yards we have cattle on Lionfields Farm, sheep in Caunsall, pot-bellied pigs as pets, goats and various other livestock?

No Jane Glazebrook, we don't want your dogs.

If you want a safe area I suggest you designate your back garden and we in Cookley will bring our dogs to you.


Shrubbery Close, Cookley