AN ORGANIC farmer from the Vale of Evesham has won an appeal to allow a barn on his land, but has been told he can't have a mobile home there.

Appeals were lodged with the Secretary of State at the Department of the Environment by I T Miles when Wychavon District Council turned down plans for the barn and mobile home at Yessell Lane, Charlton. The hearing was conducted by a Government inspector.

The farmer said the general purpose barn would be used as an egg packing station, to store feed, packaging and shavings, to house a cold store and to store machinery.

In addition to the security advantages, the building would contribute towards the viability of the holding by enabling bulk purchases of feed, the marketing of apples at peak periods of demand, and adding value to the eggs by on site grading and packing, argued the farmer

In his ruling the Government inspector said: "Although the holding is not yet fully developed, in my opinion the nature of the enterprise provides sufficient justification for an agricultural building."

On the question of the mobile home, the inspector said the evidence was not sufficient to demonstrate that the functional need to be on site could not be met by existing accommodation in the area, given that it was suitable and available for occupation.

"I conclude that the agricultural arguments in support of the proposed temporary agricultural dwelling are not sufficient in this case to justify an exception to policies designed to protect the countryside," he added.