THE AGM of the Bromsgrove & Redditch Club was held at Perry Hall Hotel, Bromsgrove, on April 5.

Outgoing president Judy Gill reminded members of all the excellent speakers during her year of office and was thanked by Pat Whitehurst.

There was a comprehensive report on the year's charitable activities from retiring secretary Helen Mary Attewell and treasurer Judith Green gave a full explanation of the balance sheet.

Jo Smith, programme action officer, gave an update on charity involvement.

The club continues to support the Primrose Hospice, Limbs for Life, Baby - think it over, Mashambanzou and the Saltways garden.

However, with the recent refurbishment of Saltways, the scented garden planted some years ago has had to be moved into the general garden plan, so members were asked to donate more plants and cuttings to help fill the new garden.

Judy Gill then invested the new president, Jo Smith, with the chain of office, and new officers were welcomed; Gail Teague as vice-president; Kimara Sharp as secretary; Jeanette Sutor, Carolyn Gibbs, Melanie Brown and Barbara Allbutt as executive committee members.

Federation member Nancy Doyle was willing to stand again after completing her two-year term.

The club looks forward to welcoming friends from SI Neuss in September.

Jo Smith announced her charity would be Homestart and an auction of promises and dinner will be held on May 5 at Bromsgrove Golf Club.