100 years ago - Saturday, April 20, 1901

ALFRED Cloke, a farmer from Beckford, was summoned for removing sheep without a license on April 1. He pleaded guilty. PC Dainty said he was on duty at Mr Righton's Saleyard when he saw defendant bring a lamb to the market. Defendant said he brought it from Beckford but had no certificate for removing it. He was fined 1s and 10d costs.

75 years ago - Saturday, April 24, 1926

IN aid of the "Save the River fund" a May fete and fancy fair will be held in Holland's Pleasure Gardens and Pavilions in Bidford on Thursday April 29 and Saturday May 1. The Cleeve Weir has been re-built and the proceeding of this event will go to the paying off of the balance owning £300. May Day celebrations including the crowning of the May Queen will take place. On Saturday May 1, Capt. A. Eden, M.C, and M.P will open the fete.

50 years ago - Saturday, April 21, 1951

DURING the last five years, Evesham Town Council have been building houses at the rate of one a week. The total number of post-war council houses built is 255. After mentioning the number of houses built since the war, the town clerk, Mr W F Davies, said that the number completed in the last 12 months represented a third of the total. It was the best year as far as housing progress was concerned.

25 years ago - Thursday, April 22, 1976

A WARNING went out yesterday that water may have to be rationed in some parts of the Vale of Evesham if the drought, the worst for 150 years, continues for another five or six weeks. It would mean a ban on the use of water during certain hours at night. But, Mr Michael Spicer, MP for South Worcestershire, said after a meeting with East Worcestershire Waterworks Company executives that rationing will only be introduced as a last resort.