DAFFODIL TEA PARTY: A daffodil tea for the senior residents of Eckington was organised at the village hall last week by Mrs Joan Green, in conjunction with the Thursday Club.

Spring was brought inside the hall by the daffodil arrangements and the ladies of the Thursday Club catering committee: Mrs M Draper, Mrs J Vaughan, Mrs R Andrews and Mrs V Mills, who were responsible for serving the party tea, added to the occasion with their Easter bonnets.

Each person present was also given a piece of Simnel cake.

The event was sponsored and funded by the Parochial Church Council.

Entertainment throughout the afternoon was provided by pianist John Checketts and all present joined in singing the well known songs.

Mrs G Allen, organised a raffle which raised £75.50 which will be donated to the Marie Curie Fund. Appreciation was expressed to all the catering ladies, Mrs J Green and to everyone who had made the event possible, by Thursday Club chairman Mr J Mole.

THURSDAY CLUB OUTING: Though it was a very wet day, 29 members set out for Coventry on April 5.

The coach took them to Coventry New Cathedral first and the incessant rain meant visits to the motor museums, shops and caf's, but all enjoyed the journeys under the guidance of the coach driver.

Appreciation was expressed to Mrs A Mole for organising the outing.

WHIST DRIVE: The weekly whist drive was well attended by many patrons and was organised by Miss F Ricketts and Mrs B Hodges in aid of the County Air Ambulance.

A dinner and wine competition was also organised and £34.50 was raised.