CSRF: The Evesham group of the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship met last week when Mrs Anne Innes, chairman, gave details of plans being made for the group to celebrate its 25th anniversary.

Depending on funds to be raised, this could take the form of a lunch and theatre outing towards the end of the year or alternatively, an augmented Christmas lunch and anniversary cake.

The chairman, secretary and treasurer will meet to consider the options and ways in which they could be implemented and will report on their progress at the next meeting in May.

Mrs Innes then introduced Mrs Ann Newell who gave a most interesting illustrated talk on the work of the County Air Ambulance.

The group will next meet in the library, on May 8, when Mr Caldwell will give a talk on Wainwright's Coast-to-Coast Walk in the Lake District.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Next Monday the Vale of Evesham Camera Club will host the traditional 'Three Way' with Redditch and Studley, judge - Cliff Thompson, at The Friends Meeting House, Cowl Street, Evesham, 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.

Evesham Mayor's Diary: FRIDAY: Mayor and Mayoress to attend Mayor of Worcester's civic charity banquet.