WEDNESDAY CLUB AGM: The club had a splendid turn-out and providing one of Ellie's splendid meals beforehand always seems to ensure a good attendance.

Doreen's death the day before did tinge the occasion with inevitable sadness. She had been one of our most faithful, most cheerful and most helpful of members and we shall miss her.

The president paid tribute to the members of the committee whose hard work and imaginative suggestions made the club such a success. Stan and Dorothy Johnson stood down from the committee because of Dorothy's poor health.

Dorothy was presented with the Lace-Williams picture, the club's award for outstanding service.

Mary Smith and Irene Sabin have joined the committee in their place.

The club's audited accounts were presented by Ellie and were formally accepted. A large framed photograph of the club was presented to Ellie as a token of her long years of devoted service to Ilmington Wednesday Club.