THERE was an article in the Evening News (April 10) regarding a huge boost to the saving of rural Post Offices by allowing sub-postmasters to have mini-libraries in their offices.

Although laudable, my worry is that space taken up by the library - unless it's a "pro-order" library, where you order your book and get it two days later - will negate the business gained by the added custom.

There's only one person that can save my members' livelihoods, and that's Joe Public.

If every pensioner were to demand that their pension be paid through the Post Office, and if every family went to their local Post Office once a week, if everyone bought their stamps at the Post Office, and not the supermarket, we wouldn't have a problem.

Take action now and save your local Post Office. Otherwise, in 2003, there won't be one near you open.



Worcestershire Branch,

National Federation of Subpostmasters.