I HOPE that John Hinton was playing devil's advocate in his letter (You Say, April 7).

Readers may recall him suggesting that, because the Conservatives conned us into joining a bogus Common Market, and New Labour has increased the pace of our integration into a European Superstate, we should just accept this situation, by abolishing rule from Westminster and embracing the European Union.

Mr Hinton is right when he says that we are firmly under the EU's domination.

If you doubt this, just consider the Judge's remarks at the trial of Steven Thoburn, the Metric Martyr.

It is clear, he said, that Parliament had "surrendered its sovereignty to the primacy of European law" when Britain joined the EU in 1972. Over the past four years, 80 per cent of new legislation has emanated from Brussels.

These laws are drawn up by unelected EU Commissioners; passed to a virtually toothless EU Parliament for consultation - that is, rubber-stamping - and then sent to national parliaments to be enacted.

New Labour, aided by their Lib-Dem stooges, are only too happy to speed this process along.

Their next project is to introduce more regionalisation, without mentioning that this is actually EU policy.

They will try to fool us into accepting this by suggesting it will give us more "local democracy".

As far as the European Commission's concerned, the UK comprises 12 regions out of a total 111 that are to be set up to form a Europe of the Regions.

Mr Hinton may be prepared to accept all this, fait accompli, but I, like many other Britons, am not. Millions of disaffected Conservative, Liberal and traditional Labour voters are now turning to the UK Independence Party.

R G SPENCER, Malvern.