DAVID Candler displays arrogance when he states that Richard Adams will fail to become a professional politician at the next General Election (You Say, April 12).

It's the people of Worcester as a whole who will make that decision and not one individual.

There are no foregone conclusions in politics, and I'm sure that the people of Worcester will vote for the candidate who they feel will represent their interests in the best possible light.

City MP Michael Foster's attack on Richard Adams in last Friday's edition of the Evening News was a joy to behold! He suggests that Worcester doesn't want a part-time MP.

Well, for once,I find myself in total agreement with Mr Foster, because that is exactly what he has been.

He has spent a disproportionate amount of time fighting to ban hunting with dogs which, of course, has no benefit whatsoever to his constituents.

Now, that we're supposedly close to a General Election, no doubt Mr Foster will want to explain to his constituents how his actions have been of benefit to them over the past four years.

No doubt he will want to fight this election on hunting, having had so much to say on the issue - or will he remain silent? It will be interesting to see.



