CYCLISTS in Malvern have been invited to point their wheels towards the town's north-eastern fringes.

Worcestershire County Council has opened a new £50,000 cycle path, which stretches for 400 yards.

The combined cycle and pedestrian route runs alongside North End Lane, from Townsend Way and Pickersleigh Road, providing an important link between the housing estates near Townsend Way and The Grove School.

According to the authority, the path includes the first "toucan" signal-controlled crossing in Malvern. Cyclists and pedestrians can use it to cross safely.

Highways partnership manager Mike Davis said the new stretch had been a "key" objective for the council.

"This project's a further step in our continuing efforts to reduce reliance upon the car, to reduce casualties and provide safer routes to schools."

The council hoped to expand the cycle network further as the Government wanted to quadruple the number of cycling trips made in Britain by 2012.

Planners in Worcestershire believe cycling is a viable alternative to driving, as they say more than two-thirds of car journeys are made by people travelling less than five miles.