MAY I correct some figures given in a recent letter (Advertiser, April 18) questioning the amount of councillors' expenses?

I am not sure where the information came from, but the highest figure paid to any member of the borough council last year was actually £2,950 - a long way from the suggested £5,000.

The average figure for each borough council member was only £1,700 for the year.

This is one of the lowest sums per councillor in the country and hardly a financial incentive for the many hours of public service volunteered by Redditch Councillors.

Also, the letter implies that councillors are part of a department where vacancies arise - as if councillors were part of the paid staff.

This is not the case. Vacancies arise three years in every four when a third of the council is up for election.

This year's vacancies are for the County Council, for which elections are to be held now on June 7.

Steven M Skinner

Democratic Services Manager

Redditch Borough Council