AN idea put forward by a Salford Priors action group to move the village play area has been met with stiff opposition by fellow residents.

The group, made up of four parents, was formed to come up with ideas on what could be done with the village centre site. While it is considered safe by users, it no longer conforms to rigorous safety standards required for such areas.

So the group came up with the idea of selling the area to buy another piece to develop on.

Group member Mike Nisbet said: "Just doing basic work on the area would cost £40,000.

"Our idea was to sell it for a housing development and buy an area of land which is currently arable. This could be developed to accommodate not only very young children but also teenagers.

"Although the existing area was given to the village for the use of children, all the money made would be ploughed back into providing facilities aimed entirely at the youngsters."

But fellow residents have expressed concerns at the suggestion

One of them, Yvonne Hartiss said: "We've already got a housing development being built and I feel we simply don't need any more houses in this area, I don't feel we have the resources to sustain them.

"This area is in the centre of the village and is located where 90 per cent of children do not have to cross a road. To move the play area to a location where they do, seems dangerous."

But Mr Nisbet added that this was merely an idea and they were still looking at all possible alternatives, including applying for grants to improve the existing area.