Translucent Exposures: Photograms by Annie Halliday. Until April 29. Foyle Gallery, Mac, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham (0121 440 3838).

Ikons of Identity: Contemporary makers and designers explore the mask form. Until April 29. Cotton Gallery, Mac, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham (0121 440 3838).

A Brush-Full of Colour - Adult education students from N.E.W. College. Until April 29. The Librarian, Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

Simplicity by Hugo Castanheira. May 5-27. The Librarian, Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

Lindsay Seers - For The Dead Travel Fast. Until May 5. Worcester City Art Gallery & Museum, Foregate Street, Worcester (01905 25371).

Trading Places: Billheads and advertisements from Cheltenham shops since 1780. Until May 27. Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, Clarence Street, Cheltenham (01242 237431).

A Sense of Occasion. Until June 3. Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, Clarence Street, Cheltenham (01242 237431).

Watercolour Paintings - Linda Henderson and Meryl Simms. June 2-24. The Librarian, Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

Spick and Span - Collections of the County Museum. June 3-30. Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

Rubicon Textile Group. Until June 4. The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford (01432 359252).

Alison MacGregor-Grimley. Until June 4. The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford (01432 359252).

Trompe I'oeil by John Flint. June 9-July 29. Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, Clarence Street, Cheltenham (01242 237431).

Toy Stories. June 16-Sept 2. Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, Clarence Street, Cheltenham (01242 237431).

Design and Technology - By pupils of Droitwich High School. June 26-July 7. The Librarian, Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

Celebration - Droitwich Schools Art Pyramid from reception class to 'A' Level. July 3-30. Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

Venerable Beads: The narrative necklaces and beadwork of Eleyne Williams. Aug 4-Sept 23. Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, Clarence Street, Cheltenham (01242 237431).

Brush Strokes - watercolour paintings, landscape and cartoons by Graham Wilson. Aug 6-31. Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

Watercolour impressions of plants and flowers by Gillian Jeynes. Sept 3-29. Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

It's a Big World - Photographic images by Tara Wheeler. Sept 4-23. The Librarian, Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).

Cotswold Art Club. Sept 8-30. Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, Clarence Street, Cheltenham (01242 237431).

Kaleidoscope of Colour - Textiles and quilts from The Groomery. Oct 2-30. Droitwich Spa Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich Spa, Worcs (01905 773292 or 779970).