PLANS to open a £35,000 playground at the Alexandra Hospital this month have been delayed again because of the poor weather conditions.

Members of the hospital's League of Friends have now virtually reached the target to create a playground for able-bodied and disabled patients.

But constant rain has transformed the site at the hospital into a mud pit and halted any further work.

League member Gill Griffin said: "I know we have well over £30,000 now and we are very close to the target.

"The actual playground equipment is in but we have to lay some concrete slabs, which we haven't been able to do because it has been so wet.

"But we also need to put another concrete base in for a storage shed and there are some bits of equipment we can't buy until we have somewhere to put them."

Work on completing the playground was delayed initially to allow work on replacing the hospital roof to take place.

League members are hoping to have the playground up and running by June but there are still doubts it will be completed.

Mrs Griffin said: "It is incredibly frustrating for us having to wait for the weather to improve."

She added: "We might need some more money for the playground but we are always looking for funds to provide equipment within the hospital, such as wheelchairs for the accident and emergency department."

Anyone who would like to support the league and its work can call the fund-raising office at the hospital on 512009.