April 30, 1976

ALCESTER trader Mr David Burden, a founder member of the town's Round Table, was due for retirement this year after reaching the compulsive age limit.

But what David thought was to be his last Round Table night turned out to be a very special occasion.

He was made the Table's first president and although the Table members decided on this 12 months ago, he knew nothing about it.

Immediately after the presentation, the new chairman, John 'Eamonn' Evans, surprised him again with the immortal words, 'David Burden, this is your life.'

Irish accent slipping, John went on to introduce some of David's school friends, the Alcester Young Farmers tug-of-war team which won the AAA championships, his best man David Edkins, Tablers and ex-Tablers and friends who have known him through the years.

Tabler Peter Nash, at his own invitation, gave an impression of a school mistress who allegedly taught the president all he knows about Nature Study.

Every guest had a 'Burden story' to tell, typifying the man who has given Alcester and Alcester Round Table so much of his time, inspiration and humour.

As president, David now has another year with the Table and he saw to it that the rest of the evening was celebrated in true Table style.

Earlier, Mike Nixon was presented with his past chairman badge and tankard and the officers for the year were elected.