IT is with unbelievable sadness that we report the untimely death of Mrs Gaynor Pittman.

Although she was born in Longdon and lived there most of her life, she was undoubtedly part of Bushley. She was married to Norman for almost 53 years and supported him in everything he did. Their charitable local work has been inestimable and the money they have helped to raise must run into hundreds of thousands of pounds. Gaynor was an excellent cook and catering for many people was never a problem for her, in fact the greater the number the more her catering excelled. Mother to Jane and Roger, and grandmother to four, Gaynor's death has left a huge hole in her family and in our village. Our heartfelt sympathy is with her family at this time.

Tomorrow (Saturday), at St Peter's Church, there will be an organ recital by Trevor Tipple following the renovation of the organ by Trevor Tipple, who has undertaken its maintenance for many years. This recital has been arranged to demonstrate this fine instrument. Tickets are £5 and the recital commences at 7.30pm.