BLEAK future for dumped dogs were the headlines. What an intolerable situation for NCDL at Wickhamford, who provide such love and hope for unwanted animals in their care, for them to possibly have to reverse their policy of putting down healthy animals, due to obviously uncaring owners is disgusting.

I support the NCDL and am appalled at the cruelty some people can stoop to. These dogs give true love and affection not like some humans, when I have lost my dogs (from old age) it tears my heart out. Whatever is wrong with us so called human beings, we appear to have lost sight of important things in life and are insensitive, cruel, selfish and don't seem to have a backbone any more. Apologies to anyone this does not relate to. Lazy owners should get off their butts and find other places to walk their dogs.

Another thing I am disgusted with is farm dogs being cast out.

I feel sorry for farmers and the foot and mouth situation, but saying they cannot afford to keep these dogs is appalling and they should be able to spare a morsel of their food if they had to - I wonder also if some farmers are also taking advantage of the situation to prevent the public walking on their fields, where no animals roam. In case anyone wonders, I have children and grand children (and dogs) and am certainly no cranky person.

MRS KEYTE, Fifield Cottage, Fosse Lane, Stow.