PARISH COUNCIL: Open Forum: Three residents attended. Coun G B Jelfs chaired the meeting in the absence of the chairman.

County Council Report: Brief report given by coun Mitchell in coun Bean's absence. Permission had been refused on the application to provide an incinerator at Kidderminster. This would put more pressure on the Hill and Moor site. Coun T Bean and coun J Webb voted against refusal.

Burial Ground Extension: Transfer of the land has been completed at HM Land Registry.

Maintenance Tender: The current contractor had agreed to continue for the coming year. There would be a slight increase in costs to cover expenses.

Playground Equipment: A second quotation had been received. The annual RoSpa Report was awaited.

Parish Councillor Vacancy: Mrs J Johnson has been co-opted to the parish council, starting in May.

HGV's: Cotswold District Council are seeking the views of town and parish councils on the problem with HGV's in the Vale of Evesham. Considerable discussion took place, correspondence would be circulated as some councillors were absent.

WDC - Village Exhibitions: Unfortunately, due to foot and mouth disease the exhibitions have been cancelled. These will be scheduled for a later date.

Best Value and Planning: Correspondence had been received concerning the processing of planning applications. New government requirements have been set and parish councils are asked to help in processing the applications as soon as possible.

Local Bus Service Changes: Following recent changes, Bretforton will now have an additional three journeys a day after March 12.

CPRE: Planning update, Worc's Newsletter will be circulated.

Planning: Application: Redlands Nurseries - Certificate of Lawfulness. Approval: Parish council - siting of small cross in the Cross.

Roads/footways/greening of the village: potholes: Correspondence had been received advising that an inspection would take place shortly. Only potholes of a certain size and depth would be repaired. Concern was expressed at the condition of roads generally in the village.

Street Lights: Light in School Lane and one on the school building were not working. Main Street (Corner Cottage) and Grange Road are burning all day.

Speeding Vehicles: A complaint had been received about the speed of vehicles in Station Road, also vehicles using the road were over the weight limit. This will be investigated.

Footpath - Badsey Road: Concern was expressed at the condition of the footpath, mud had been spread from a nearby field onto the path.

Grass cutting - 2001: Quotation from Limebridge Rural Services had been accepted for the contract for 2001.

Foot and mouth disease: Latest up date on arrangements to open parts of the countryside had been received. Worcestershire is an outbreak infected area and at the present time all rights of way will remain closed.

CPRE: AGM will be held at the Bull's Head, Inkberrow. Event will be cancelled if foot and mouth restrictions apply.

Orchard Close: Fence has been removed improving the visibility. Letter of thanks received from a resident.

Flooding - Back Lane: Despite recent work to alleviate the problem of flooding, there is still a lot of water on the road. Water is also stagnant in the ditch near Bridge Street. Highways Agency would be contacted. The next meeting will be held on May 14, in the Memorial Hall starting at 7.15pm with open forum.

MEMORIAL PEAL AT BRETFORTON: A quarter peal of 1,260 changes on Grandsire Doubles with the bells half muffed was rung at St Leonard's Church, Bretforton to the memory of Mr Philip Jelfs. Mr Jelfs had been a ringer at St Leonard's for over 50 years. Ringers were: 1 Mrs P Brazier, 2 Mr R Hall, 3 Mr J Smart, 4 Mr J Nichols (conductor), 5 Mr G Hemming, 6 Mr F Spiers.