REFORMING for two gigs in support of The Mission has breathed new life into All About Eve, as concert-goers in Worcester can see for themselves next week.

The band emerged in the mid-80s as an indie outfit, a Goth meets hippy mixture backing The Mission and producing ten Top Ten singles before drifting apart.

Although they never formally split, band members went their different ways in the early 90s In the case of Andy Cousins it was into the ranks of The Mission. That changed in 1999 when band members Julianne Regan, Marty Willson-Piper and Andy Cousins were invited to reform to back The Mission on two dates in London. The rest it history.

Local audiences can catch up with them at the Huntingdon Hall on Friday, May 11 at 8pm. Tickets are £11 (£10 concs), from 01905 611427.