LANDOWNERS in Worcestershire have backed the county council's stance on countryside access.

The Country Land and Business Association said it was pleased the authority had decided to keep paths close to livestock closed - despite no new cases having emerged in Worcester-shire for the past three weeks.

"While the disease persists, the county council is correct to maintain the policy that rights of way should not be opened if walkers will cross land with livestock," said Frances Beatty, regional director of the CLA.


"Many fields will also soon be occupied by animals who are coming out of their winter housing and we've urged utmost caution on the part of the county council in identifying suitable paths for opening.

"Any new outbreak would make matters far, far worse than they are now.

"It is, therefore, in the interests of all who live, work and use the countryside for recreation to do all that is possible to prevent foot-and-mouth disease spreading here."