WILLIAM Hague's offer to the electorate of not dispensing with the pound for the lifetime of the next government is a non-offer. It amounts to putting off taking a decision in principle as to what UK policy should be on this issue.

What is the advantage of waiting a further four to five years (with or without a change in party leadership that may change this offer) before grasping this nettle which very much needs to be done soon?

Even New Labour has, by implication, given us its decision in principle that its leadership believes that joining the single currency is the right move given the economic tests add up.

If the Conservative Party does not have an opinion now about the principle of further economic union it doesn't have a policy either.

I don't know what persuades Mr Hague that the electorate would be interested in voting for his party under these circumstances on the strength of this vital policy issue.

WENDY HANDS, Upton-upon-Severn.