BEFORE the start of Corse Parish Council's annual meeting, councillors were invited to see the new Forest of Dean rural community police vehicle which was now in use. PC Simon Bailey, the officer in charge of the vehicle, explained its function. It is hoped parishioners will also get the opportunity to see the vehicle, the cost of which was met by voluntary contributions and there will possibly also be a postcoding session.

In his report, PC Bailey told the meeting there had been eight burglaries, three thefts, four cases of criminal damage and one case of dangerous driving in the parish. The majority of the offenders were people passing through and the detection rate was 33 per cent.

The parish council continue to be extremely concerned at the Ashleworth Lane/Cross Hands Garage blackspot and have put pressure on the county council but are way down the list. A speed check is in operation at present.

The chairman, Coun Pat Lewis, continued in her report. There had been no response from the local MP, Diana Organ, regarding the flooding in Straight Lane and there were constraints over a site meeting because of foot and mouth epidemic.

Maps of the area are to be supplied by the county council and a further site study will be held as soon as the foot and mouth epidemic is ended. Councillor Lewis felt it was unfortunate as they had hoped to be able to give hope to the parishioners affected by the floods.

The solar lighting at the bus shelter was on an experimental basis and of no cost to the parish. Some parishioners are in favour, some are not. It is the first in the county and the first in the country.

Flowering trees had been planted near the bus shelter during the year, some of which had been donated.

Regarding the change of postal addresses, the Royal Mail are committed to a policy of not changing them (several parishioners asked for a change to their addresses).

Reports were given by representatives of the playing fields, school charity and village hall. Financial matters were discussed.

It was announced county councillor Barbara Boddington would not be seeking re-election.