IN the four years since the last General Election, we have seen transport increasingly figure on the political agenda.

Road congestion, rail problems, the fuel crisis, stowaways on trucks, foot and mouth - they have all raised the national awareness of just how very important transport is to us.

Sadly, despite all manner of investigations and reports, White Papers and Royal Commissions, theories, ideas and promises, transport is still the victim of high taxes and low spending.

UK transport suffers from premier league taxes coupled with third division investment. Industry has to pay a very high price for a low- grade product.

Things must change and the next Government - of whatever colour - must quickly move from planning to spending.

If, in 10 years' time, we are to have a road and trail transport infrastructure fit to sustain the economy and protect the environment then increased transport investment has to be not only promised but also delivered by the next Government.


Regional Director,

Freight Transport Association.