STUDLEY will finally get a new village hall following the announcement of a successful £400,000 bid for National Lottery money.

News of the windfall reached the village hall management committee late on Friday and members were overjoyed their hard work had finally paid off.

Stratford Council has already ringfenced another £389,000 for the project, which will be started early next year if all goes to plan.

The new hall, which should be open by summer, will feature a state-of-the-art stage and sound system, a police and parish council base, and far more space than the current High Street building.

Management committee chairman Paul Beaman said: "It is now the beginning of the way forward which will bring with it further hard work, but it will be well worth it because we will have a building worthy of Studley - which is what the committee set out to achieve four years ago.

"In achieving the capital funding for the new hall, we have had the support of Studley Parish Council not only in monetary terms but of equal value, time and effort.

"Encouragement has also come from residents in the village who signed petitions and supported the buy a brick campaign.

"The Redditch Advertiser also played an important part by keeping residents informed of progress and setbacks."

Mr Beaman also paid tribute to honorary secretary of the committee, Denis Charlton, whose determination, he said, had made the bid successful.

Mr Charlton said: "It is a proud moment for everybody concerned."