AS the councillor who seconded the recommendation to refuse the incinerator plan, I am sure you would agree that I may be in a better position than Councillor Warren (who I understand was not at the April 9 planning meeting) to state the reasons put forward by the committee for refusal.

I have been disappointed to see that the recommendation which I believed the committee was voting on has not been recorded in the minutes. I am absolutely clear that the reasons for refusal included the element of concern about traffic on the Stourport Road.

I am also disappointed that I did not receive a copy of the original minutes to the meeting so that I could have added my voice to the disquiet of members at the subsequent meeting.

I only received the amended version once the committee had agreed them, and this has done nothing to quell my unhappiness of the recorded version of events.

I can only hope, as Councillor Warren states, that should this decision be taken to appeal, all of the planning issues about the siting of an incinerator on the Stourport Road will be able to be considered by the inspector.


Hurcott Road
