LIKE John R Richards (You Say, May 24) I too would watch the buses go by and count the number of the passengers within.

Then one day last week, I decided to get out of my car and take a leap of faith by giving the park-and-ride a try.

Having parked my car and paid my pound I was taken into town in this wonderful bus service.

From the moment I boarded the bus, I felt I had stepped back in time, to a more relaxed way of life, with much more freedom than I have ever experienced in a car.

It was a pure delight to ride into town, in the bus lane, with no stops or traffic jams and no road rage.

The freedom and relaxation felt has to be experienced to believed - I found I had time on my hands to go shopping, to go for lunch, or even take in a movie.

It's a shame the motorists of Worcester have such a mindset in not using park-and-ride.

Having done my bit the environment, it felt good to leave the car behind.

It also felt good to have de-programmed my mindset and my love affair with my car.

M BURCHER, Worcester.