A HEARTBROKEN mum has spoken out about her son's terms of torment at the hands of bullies at a Bromsgrove school after he told her he wanted to kill himself.

Tara Cole took ten-year-old Martin out of Parkside Middle School, in Stourbridge Road, last Wednesday after the latest attack from bullies.

Now she and other parents have drawn up petitions calling for action at the school where they claim bullying is rife.

Mrs Cole, who chose to speak out because she believes nothing else can happen to her son, told the Advertiser/Messenger Martin has come home covered in bruises nearly every day since he started Parkside in September.

She said other parents, who daren't come forward, have similar tales and when they have confronted the school, nothing seems to be done.

Mrs Cole said: "Martin told me he he pretends to be ill so he doesn't have to go to school and has run out of school at least twice when he has taken enough.

"He is frightened to go to the toilet at breaks in case he is ambushed and when Martin told me he felt like killing himself I was heartbroken and felt like crying. He just wants to go to school and do his work.

"I can't fight this alone and I hope other parents come forward to stamp out bullying."

Headteacher John Graham said the school was seeking expert advice from Worcestershire County Council, its education authority.

He added: "The experts can advise governors on improving our anti-bullying policy and then we hope to arrange a meeting between parents, teachers, governors and outside agencies including police.

"This is the way forward - it will take time but we need a community response to the problems of anti-social behaviour."