6 IN reply to Julian Thake, (You Say, June 1) large American and Japanese companies establish themselves in the UK in order to give themselves easier access to European markets.

Such firms would prefer Britain to embrace the single currency. If this country stays out of the euro or even leaves the EU altogether, the likelihood is that these large multinationals will leave the country and many jobs will be lost.

This correspondent refers to India and China. India has a land area of 1,276,000 square miles and a population in excess of one billion. The land area of China is nearly four million square miles while its population is estimated at1.3 billions.


Such countries cannot be compared to the UK which covers just 94,000 square miles and has a population of a more than 58 million.

In reply to another of my critics, Pauline Parker, (You Say, June 8), obviously it is not possible for absolutely everybody to be controlled by an elected body.

Finally, I would like to ask Brian Hunt, whose contribution also appeared in You Say on June 8, on what grounds does he suggest that the Welsh Assembly and London Mayoral elections were rigged?

As for postal voting, I have such a vote. I am convinced that meticulous care is taken to ensure that everything is fair and "above board".


May Avenue,
