As Chairman of the North Cotswold Branch of the Gloucestershire Beekeepers' Association I would like to thank you for the headline item in you 14th June issue of the Cotswold Journal, about the "FreeBees" scheme that we hope to run this year. May I emphasise that the equipment mentioned in your third paragraph will be on loan, except for the bees!

The County Association ran a similar scheme last year and the Branch gained six new members. Unfortunately circumstances are such that two members are having to relinquish their bees. However the remaining four are well on the way to becoming beekeepers, instead of keepers of bees!

The North Cotswold scheme is dependant on the award from the District Council. Should we get the award and are able to run the scheme there will be a form of contract to which the prospective beekeepers must agree. The salient points are :-

(1) JOIN the North Cotswold Branch of the Gloucestershire Beekeepers Association for at least 2 years.

(2) RETURN any borrowed equipment at the end of 2 years or earlier.

(3) ACCEPT a nominated beekeeper to advise or assist as necessary.

(4) CONSIDER entering for the Basic Beekeeping exam of the British Beekeepers Association.

Anybody interested in taking advantage of this scheme should ring me on 01451 831902, or the Branch secretary, Mr Jeremy Voaden, on 01386 700540.

Eric Drinkwater, Chairman, NCBKA, Wyck Hill, Stow on the Wold.