Worcestershire County Council continues to impose unjust and unnecessary restriction on use of public footpaths/rights of way.

Notwithstanding the fact the council incorrectly implemented the Government's original instructions, there was never any requirement to close all footpaths, just those near livestock, they now compound this error by failing to act on the advice MAFF sent to all local authorities on May 23. The basic tenure of which is all footpaths can be opened with the exception of those within a designated infected area or where a path directly crosses a farmyard.

Gloucestershire has had a far higher incidence of Foot and Mouth, but has opened some 30-40% of its paths, and opens more every week, whilst Warwickshire County Council opened all it's paths. Worcestershire County Council insists on a blanket restriction despite the fact most farmland in the county is put to horticultural rather than agricultural use. Continued council intransigence means tourism is suffering in the Vale and many routes are desolate and overgrown. It is necessary to act now to mitigate the failure and financial consequences of their actions.

PETER SMITH, Tewkesbury Rd, Bredon.