GARDEN CLUB: The May meeting consisted of a talk by Jenny Gilmour on 'Gardens of India'. She is a Landscape Consultant in Partnership with her husband. She has travelled extensively on the Indian Continent and produced a variety of slides which included the Mogul Gardens. The competition 'Primula in a Pot' was won by Penny Valender, Geoff Barrett was second and Shirley Gobourn third. On June 4, a small group of Club Members paid a visit to Fibrex Nurseries. They were shown round by Mrs Key, who won a silver medal at the Chelsea Flower Show. Fibrex nurseries have over 200 types of Ivy and a large selection of Pellegonia. The next meeting of the Club will be on June 25 when Maurice Everett will talk about Bodnant Gardens. The competition is 'Vase of Dianthus' (Pinks, Carnations or Sweet Williams) at the usual time and venue. The 'Best Kept Garden' competition will take place on Sunday July 8 and is open to all villagers.