Parish council: Those of us who like to walk regularly are longing to know how long it will be before restrictions are lifted to allow footpaths to be opened on Bredon Hill. At the recent Parish Council meeting it was reported that a list of paths within our parish which cross arable land and which have no contact with fields where stock is kept, has been submitted to the County Council. So far the authorities will not hear of any relaxation of the ban.

Speeding: The question of speeding through the village was raised and Mr Terry Onions said that he had contacted the police in Pershore who admitted that there was little or no cover in the villages, because police efforts were concentrated on 'hot spots'. In other words, speeding in the rural areas was being condoned. It was agreed to request that the police should at least put in an occasional appearance to remind the public of the speed limits.

COFFEE MORNING: A date for your diary in July; there will be a chance to take coffee in the delightful surroundings of the garden of Mr and Mrs David Meikle at The Farm, Westmancote, on July 12 between 10am - noon. There will be a cake stall, bring and buy and a raffle. All the proceeds will go to the fund for the refurbishment of the children's play area. If you would like to donate a prize or if you wish further information, please phone 772477.

ROAD MARKINGS: It is a relief to see that at last the road markings have been re-instated after the re-surfacing of Church Street last September. I understand that there was a very near miss involving children on their way to school very recently, caused by the lack of white lines. The problems of the traffic in Church Street are to be studied next month by a local authority representative and members of the Parish Council.