ST JAMES' CHURCH: Advance notice is given of the annual church fete which will be held in the village hall and the adjacent school playground from 2-4.30pm on July 14. A variety of stalls together with other attractions and afternoon teas promise an interesting afternoon out for all residents whose custom it is to support this annual effort which puts money into the church funds. Your support and generosity will again be greatly appreciated. Enquiries please to Sophie Dodds on 870421. Readers are reminded of another event related to the church: On July 7 at 7.30pm there will be a concert performed by the St James' Singers of Stratford upon Avon, directed by Julian Harris. Tickets, priced £7.50 (which includes wine with strawberries and ice cream) can be obtained from Linda Attwood on 870735 or Liz Jones on 871159. All proceeds will go to the Arden Vale branch of the Home Farm Trust and local support for this very worthy cause will be warmly welcomed.

CIVIC SERVICE: The annual Civic Service instituted some years ago by Coun Arthur Robinson during his period of office as Chairman of the Parish Council was held this year at the Baptist Church on Sunday morning. Councillors who attended spoke highly of the pleasant welcome they received, the interesting format of the service and, particularly, the address given by Mr Peter Bowen. It had been a very heart-warming occasion.

VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Met on Monday evening and were delighted to see that the repairs to the front of the hall and the new coat of paint had been very satisfactorily completed, restoring to the building the smart appearance which everyone would like to see as the norm. The recent breaking of the notice board (how many times has this happened?) and the window of the gent's lavatory, were discussed along with the ever-present problem of ball games being played on the forecourt; games which had made the repairs necessary. It is known that progress is being made in the re-designing of the playing field and hopes were expressed that this will eventually persuade the youths who deface the hall frontage to move up there. A clean up of the forecourt and particularly the strips of garden is planned for 7pm on Friday 29. All representatives of the organisations who were present at the meeting undertook to attend; all other organisations will be notified and asked to send someone to help.

n STOURPORT BRASS BAND: Will be the guest artistes at a concert which will take place in the Arts Centre, Evesham on Friday evening July 6, the other performers being children from Harvington First School. The event is designed to give children who play musical instruments the opportunity, and the reward, of performing in public and the idea sprang from the fact that Mrs Helen Fishbourne who teaches music at the school, is a member of the Stourport Brass Band. Numerous people including staff and supportive parents have been involved in the organisation with Mrs Fishbourne as co-ordinator, and excitement is mounting among the children as the great day approaches. Tickets, priced at £3.50, concessions £2.50, can be obtained from Mrs Sheila Hemming on 870069. It is hoped that there will be a sizeable audience present to applaud and encourage this unusual event.