BRITISH LEGION WOMENS SECTION: Held their June meeting in the Betteridge Room. After the business Barry Phipps was introduced who kindly stood in at very short notice as the Salvation Army were unable to come. Barry spoke on 'Aloe Vera' products, and their uses and displayed a wide range. Barrie was thanked by Mrs S Brown. Hostesses Mrs J Lampett and Mrs T Holder. Monthly prize was won by Mrs A Crowther. Next meeting September 5, Speaker Marion Freeman 'The History of Post Cards'. Hostesses, S James, E Kearsey and P Holder. Monthly prize M Bright. An outing is arranged for September 12 to Cotswold Woollen Weavers, Lechlade, Gloucester. Ring 881620. Reminder for mystery parcel for stall at Garden Fete in Mrs D Hayes garden on July 14.