More than 100 people attended the lecture which included photographs of owls. There are 133 species of owl in the world, ranging from the smallest Scops pygmy owl to the largest European eagle owl.

Michael, who lives in Shropshire, revealed some "tricks of the trade" used by wildlife photographers and told some interesting and amusing anecdotes. His is a name to look out for in films and publications ranging from North American wolves to big cats in India and wildlife on the motorway grass verges of the UK.

Powick Parish Ramblers have an evening walk planned in Malvern, visiting the fountains, water spouts and wells of Malvern, on Wednesday, June 27, meeting at 6.45pm at the Winter Gardens (by Malvern Theatres). For details, ring Bryony Wilks (01905) 831465. A day-time walk is being arranged for Friday, July 13, meeting at 10.30am at The Kettle Sings for a walk on the Malvern Hills.

A COFFEE morning with a bring and buy is being held by a Hartpury woman to help raise money for a further visit to Bosnia in July.

Sue Felgate is a voluntary therapist with the Helping Hands Organisation and has already been out to the war torn country a number of times and as a qualified therapist gives therapy to the victims of war which is of great benefit to them. So far Sue has raised about £300 towards the £700 needed. Sue who has a grown up family has recently become a grandmother.

Do please support her by attending her coffee morning on Thursday (June 28) from 10.30am to noon at Saleta, Gloucester Road, Hartpury.

The next Saturday Lunch at Hartpury Methodist Church will be held on Saturday, July 7, from noon to 2pm, when there will also be a bric-a-brac stall. These lunches are proving to be very popular and helping raise funds for the equipment.

A COFFEE morning with a bring and buy is being held by a Hartpury woman to help raise money for a further visit to Bosnia in July.

Sue Felgate is a voluntary therapist with the Helping Hands Organisation and has already been out to the war torn country a number of times and as a qualified therapist gives therapy to the victims of war which is of great benefit to them. So far Sue has raised about £300 towards the £700 needed. Sue who has a grown up family has recently become a grandmother.

Do please support her by attending her coffee morning on Thursday (June 28) from 10.30am to noon at Saleta, Gloucester Road, Hartpury.

The next Saturday Lunch at Hartpury Methodist Church will be held on Saturday, July 7, from noon to 2pm, when there will also be a bric-a-brac stall. These lunches are proving to be very popular and helping raise funds for the equipment.

A COFFEE morning with a bring and buy is being held by a Hartpury woman to help raise money for a further visit to Bosnia in July.

Sue Felgate is a voluntary therapist with the Helping Hands Organisation and has already been out to the war torn country a number of times and as a qualified therapist gives therapy to the victims of war which is of great benefit to them. So far Sue has raised about £300 towards the £700 needed. Sue who has a grown up family has recently become a grandmother.

Do please support her by attending her coffee morning on Thursday (June 28) from 10.30am to noon at Saleta, Gloucester Road, Hartpury.

The next Saturday Lunch at Hartpury Methodist Church will be held on Saturday, July 7, from noon to 2pm, when there will also be a bric-a-brac stall. These lunches are proving to be very popular and helping raise funds for the equipment.